For thousands of years, horses have been perfect companions for humans in peace and war. Through all kinds of instances, they have remained on our side.

Despite all the myths associated with horses, they have proved to be helpful for us. We often ask multiple questions related to horses. Is a horse a pet animal? Is a horse a good pet? And Is it safe to pet a horse are some of the most commonly asked questions.
This blog is dedicated to answering those questions.
What actually is a pet animal?
Before talking about horses, we will try to understand the classification of pets. According to the ASPCA, domesticated or domestic-bred animals whose physical, emotional, behavioral, and social needs can be readily met as companions in the home or in a close daily relationship with humans are called pets.”
The category of companion animals includes dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, ferrets, birds, guinea pigs, and some selective mammals, small reptiles, and fish.
Pet animals are typically considered animals kept by human beings as a source of companionship and pleasure. Whenever we hear the word pet, the first thing that might come to mind is fun.
People adopt pet animals to have fun with them and to build a bond based on mutual love and companionship. We do not pet animals for the socio-economic benefit or any other gain.
The most important reason for petting an animal is to have a good time with it.
After carefully looking through the definitions of pets, we can see that many things overlap with horses. For example, people keep horses in their homes to enjoy leisure time. Similarly, many people train and tame horses for an extended period of time just for the sake of fun.
All these reasons indicate that horses can definitely be classified as pet animals.
Is a Horse a Good Pet?
Yes, horses are good pets. There are multiple reasons why they can prove to be great pets for their owners.
- Great companionship
Horses are known for their great personalities. Each horse has its own unique set of traits and characteristics. Even though they look big and tough, but they have a heart of gold. Horses are great companions as they enable their owners to spend more time in nature.
- Long Lifespan
Unlike other animals, horses have a long lifespan. Pets such as cats, birds, and dogs have a relatively lower lifespan. So, you cannot spend a very long time with your pet even if you want to.
It is amazing to notice that the average lifespan for a horse ranges between 25 and 30 years. With such a long lifespan, you will be able to spend a lot of time with them without worrying about their death.
- They are good for your health
If you pet a horse, you will have to tame it as well. Taming or training the horse will be a good activity for your health. If you start playing outdoor games with your horse, that would not only be good for your health but it will keep you fit.
Staying fit will further reduce your stress levels.
Other animals are typically held indoors. Hence, you cannot play many outdoor games with them. However, horses are an exception. Therefore, they can contribute to improving the quality of your life.
Is it Safe to Pet a Horse?

Yes, horses have many similarities to other pets. For example, they use body language to telegraph when/whether it is safe to pet them. We need to learn to read the signals to understand them better. We also need to learn proper handling techniques that minimize threats and the extent of the danger.
Most of the horses are compatible with petting. However, not all wild horses are suitable for petting. Some horses can be a little scary for you if you have zero experience. When you adopt the horse, the owner will probably warn you if there’s something you need to know about your new pet. They will tell you what to do in case of emergencies.
Honestly, if you think your horse is not safe enough for petting, then maybe you should find a horse that is friendly and appropriate for house settings.
Is Horse a Farm Animal?
Interestingly, many governmental agencies, associations, and interest groups insist that horses are livestock. The Missouri Horse Council emphasizes that horses are livestock animals. They openly “support the legal definition of all domesticated equines to remain as livestock and opposes the current social trend of referring to them as pets or companion animals.
According to similar organizations, the domestication of horses should be deemed illegal as these animals contribute to the continuation of farms.
Horse lovers feel that these animals should not be classified as livestock. Because they feel that horses should not be slaughtered.
You cannot actually deny the fact that some part of society thinks the horse is a livestock animals. Although we cannot call it “the opinion of the majority,” under certain circumstances, horses can be considered farm animals.
Is Horse a Wild Animal?
The answer to this question depends upon what horse breed you’re referring to. The majority of horse breeds are pets or domesticated animals. However, some horse breeds can be classified under the category of wild animals.
For example, Mustangs can be considered wild horses. Since these horses descended from once-domesticated animals, they are actually feral horses. Back in the old days, the original mustangs were Colonial Spanish horses, but many other breeds and types of horses contributed to the modern mustang. Hence, modern-day mustangs contain varying phenotypes.
There’s another relevant example to answer the question.
Feral horses are free-roaming horses, but they belong to the classification of domesticated animals. They live in the form of herds mostly. However, some feral horses are considered wild. Why? It is because feral horses are descendants of domestic horses that strayed, escaped, or were deliberately released into the wild and remained to survive and reproduce.
When Did Humans Domesticate The Horse?
You might be wondering why some horses are wild and some are domesticated. We will explain the history of the domestication of horses to simply that thought for you.
Interestingly, horses were used in the past because of their strong power. People used horses for traveling, wars, and for conducting business. The concept of petting horses didn’t exist in earlier times.
Hunting was one of the most common usages of horses. Men used to travel on horses to hunt other animals.
Most researchers think that the 3500 B.C.E era was prominent in terms of horse domestication. Around this era, humans realized that horses could be used for other purposes as well. It is interesting to note that it took a lot of time to understand that horses can also be petted.
In the 20th century, humans found numerous usages for horses. The horses served as our companions in the world wars, and they proved loyal as pets. Even though humans started domesticating horses a long time ago, there was still an element of wildness left in the horses.
Summing up the conversation, horses were historically wild animals. But as time passed by, humans domesticated them gradually.
Should You Pet a Horse?

It depends on your personality and preferences. For example, If you are someone who likes to live with pets that do not require a lot of effort, then you might need to choose another pet. On the contrary, if you are someone who wants to spend time outdoors, then you should go for a horse.
Also, if you decide to pet a horse, you must be mindful of the type of horse you want to adopt. There are classifications even in domesticated horses. For example, some horses need to be handled with care if you want to play or train with them.
Furthermore, every horse might have different needs. For example, some horses require you to take them out for walks. However, some horses love staying in the stable (or whatever you want to call it) all the time. After thoroughly considering everything, select your horse wisely.
Final Verdict
Horses can be both pet animals or farm animals. Most of the time, they are labeled as pet animals because of their roles in our lives. However, in some cases, they can be considered farm animals.
We need to understand that the importance of horses remains high in either case. Even if we consider certain horses as farm animals, they hold equal significance as pets. Farm animals are also necessary for the nourishment of life. Therefore, we cannot deny or refute their existence.
No matter what classification you personally provide to horses, you should remember their significance in human life. The quality of life will deteriorate if horses didn’t exist in our lives. They make our lives better in numerous ways. Petting horses can not only make us healthier than ever but it may also result in a sound mind.