Boxer Dog Pregnancy: Week-by-Week Guide

When your Boxer dog is expecting, it’s important to know what to expect during each week of her pregnancy. Without this information, you may feel uncertain about her changing needs and the developments happening inside her.

boxer dog in the park

In this guide, we provide a week-by-week overview of Boxer dog pregnancy. By understanding this journey, you can better care for your pregnant Boxer and ensure a healthy and successful pregnancy.

Boxer Pre-Pregnancy Preparation

Preparing for a Boxer’s pregnancy involves a series of crucial steps aimed at ensuring the health and well-being of both the mother and her future puppies. Here’s a breakdown of the tasks and considerations that should be addressed in the weeks leading up to breeding.

Week 1: Mate Selection, Health Checks, and Genetic Testing

Selecting a suitable mate for your Boxer is the first step. Alongside this, it’s essential to perform comprehensive health checks for both dogs. This ensures that both animals are in good health and free from any underlying conditions that could affect the pregnancy or offspring.

Genetic testing is also a key component of pre-pregnancy preparation. It helps identify potential genetic issues that could be passed on to the puppies. Ensuring healthy offspring starts with a clear understanding of the genetic profiles of both parents.

During this phase, it’s also wise to discuss and plan for future precautions, such as considering whether a normal birth is anticipated or if a cesarean section might be needed.

Week 2: Pre-Breeding Health Checkup and Timing

Before breeding, it’s crucial to have a comprehensive health checkup for your Boxer. This should encompass vaccinations, parasite control, and any other preventative measures to ensure the mother’s health during pregnancy.

Determining the optimal timing for breeding is crucial for successful mating. Knowing when the female is ovulating is essential to increase the chances of a successful pregnancy. Additionally, this phase is an appropriate time to consider future precautions, like discussions about spaying after the current pregnancy to prevent unexpected litter.

Week 3: Nutrition, Weight Maintenance, and Exercise

Providing the pregnant female with a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients is vital. Proper nutrition not only prepares the mother for pregnancy but also supports the healthy growth of the developing puppies. Ensuring that the female Boxer maintains a healthy weight is important for her overall well-being and that of her puppies.

While exercise is necessary for maintaining your Boxer’s fitness, it should be optimized to suit her pregnancy stage. Appropriate exercise contributes to the mother’s health and her ability to carry the pregnancy to term.

The First Trimester of Boxer Pregnancy

boxer dog laying on a lawn

The first trimester of a Boxer’s pregnancy is a critical period that lays the foundation for the health and well-being of both the mother and her developing puppies. Here’s an overview of what to expect during this initial phase:

Week 4-5: Early Signs and Confirmation

During weeks 4-5 of pregnancy, you may start noticing early signs that your Boxer is pregnant. These can manifest as changes in her appetite and behavior. She may become more or less interested in food and exhibit differences in her usual behavior patterns.

To confirm the pregnancy, a visit to the veterinarian is essential. The vet can employ methods such as ultrasound or blood tests to definitively confirm the pregnancy.

Week 6-8: Physical Changes and Prenatal Care

As your Boxer enters weeks 6-8 of her pregnancy, you’ll observe noticeable changes in her body. These include weight gain and a visibly larger abdomen as the puppies continue to grow and develop. Proper prenatal care during this time is of utmost importance.

This care involves scheduling regular vet check-ups to monitor the mother’s health and the progression of the pregnancy. Additionally, supplements may be recommended by your vet to ensure that both the mother and her developing puppies receive all the necessary nutrients. To maintain the overall health of the mother, a balanced diet and a suitable exercise routine should be maintained.

It’s important to note that Boxers have a typical gestational period of about 63 days. During the first trimester, careful attention to the mother’s well-being and proper care is paramount to ensuring a successful and healthy pregnancy.

Additionally, being aware of the health issues that Boxers are predisposed to, such as hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, cancer, heart disease, and back problems, is essential. Responsible breeders take measures to screen for these conditions, but it’s crucial to remain vigilant about potential health concerns throughout the pregnancy.

The Second Trimester of Boxer Pregnancy

Boxer Dog

The second trimester of a Boxer’s pregnancy is a vital period characterized by significant growth and development of the puppies. Here’s what you should anticipate and focus on during this phase:

Week 9-12: Rapid Growth and Dietary Adjustments

In weeks 9-12, the puppies will experience a rapid phase of growth that directly impacts the mother’s dietary requirements. During this time, the expectant mother should receive careful attention to her diet. This involves increasing the frequency of her meals to accommodate the growing demands of her developing offspring.

A balanced diet is essential, ensuring that both the mother and her puppies receive the necessary nutrients for optimal health. Regular monitoring of the mother’s weight gain and overall health is essential during this period.

Week 13-16: Meeting Growing Needs

As your Boxer proceeds into weeks 13-16 of pregnancy, the dietary adjustments become even more critical. The puppies’ needs are continually increasing, and it’s vital to provide a balanced diet that caters to these needs.

This balanced diet is instrumental in maintaining the health of both the mother and her developing puppies. Furthermore, increased exercise is beneficial during this period to help the mother maintain muscle tone and cardiovascular health, which contributes to her overall well-being.

Week 17-20: Vet Check-ups and Monitoring

During weeks 17-20, regular vet check-ups become increasingly crucial. These check-ups, which may include ultrasounds to monitor puppy development, are necessary to ensure the mother’s health and the well-being of the growing litter. It’s imperative to keep a watchful eye for any signs of complications that may arise during this trimester.

Being able to recognize such signs and taking prompt action, including seeking veterinary assistance if necessary, is of utmost importance in maintaining a safe and successful pregnancy. Regular monitoring of the mother’s health and her puppies’ development ensures a smoother and healthier pregnancy journey.

The Third Trimester of Boxer Pregnancy


The third trimester of Boxer pregnancy marks the exciting and final stage before the arrival of the puppies. This period is filled with important developments and preparations for a safe and successful delivery. Here’s a closer look at what to anticipate during the third trimester:

Week 21-24: The Approaching Arrival

As your Boxer progresses through weeks 21-24, you’ll notice significant developments. The mother’s abdomen will continue to expand as the puppies grow, and you may observe nesting behavior. To be well-prepared for the impending birth, it is crucial to monitor the mother’s body temperature closely.

A sudden drop in her body temperature can serve as a crucial sign that labor is imminent. This period requires vigilant observation and readiness for the upcoming birth.

Week 25-28: Signs of Impending Labor

During weeks 25-28, the signs of impending labor become more pronounced. In addition to a further drop in body temperature, the mother may exhibit restlessness, indicating that the time for whelping is approaching.

It’s important to be prepared by creating a comfortable and secure whelping area for the mother and her puppies. This area should be well-equipped and ready to accommodate the needs of the expectant mother during labor and birth.

Week 29-32: Final Preparations

In the later weeks of the third trimester, from weeks 29-32, it remains crucial to maintain regular vet check-ups to ensure the health of both the mother and her puppies. During these vet visits, potential X-rays may be taken to estimate the number of puppies expected. This information aids in being better prepared for the whelping process.

At this stage, creating a comfortable, safe, and well-supplied whelping area becomes paramount. Ensuring that the mother and her puppies have the necessary supplies and surroundings is vital to facilitate a smooth and healthy birthing process.

Labor and Delivery in Boxer Pregnancy

boxer dog

The labor and delivery process in Boxer pregnancy is a pivotal period that demands careful attention and preparation to ensure the health and well-being of both the mother and her puppies. Here’s what to expect during the labor and delivery phases:

Week 33-36: The Onset of Labor

As your Boxer progresses through weeks 33-36, you may observe the initial signs of labor. These signs could manifest as pacing and nesting behavior. It’s essential to be watchful and attentive during this phase. Additionally, monitoring the mother’s body temperature remains crucial to identify impending labor accurately. Labor unfolds in two primary stages:

  • First-Stage Labor: This stage is marked by restlessness and anxiety in the mother. These behavioral changes signify the approaching birth.
  • Second-Stage Labor: This is the stage of active delivery when the puppies are born. It’s the most critical phase and requires close observation.

Week 37-40: The Culmination of Labor

During weeks 37-40, the labor process continues to progress. Signs of imminent labor include a drop in the mother’s body temperature and restlessness. It’s during these stages that the owner’s role becomes essential. The owner should provide comfort and assistance throughout the labor and delivery process, ensuring that the mother feels safe and supported.

Creating a clean and quiet environment is of paramount importance to facilitate a smooth delivery. Reducing stress and disturbances can contribute to a successful and stress-free birthing experience for both the mother and her puppies.

Ensuring meticulous monitoring, prepared attendance and optimized conditions establishes the best outcomes for concluding pregnancy’s journey. This pivotal period warrants dedicated facilitation of mother and puppies’ health.

Post-Delivery Care for Boxer Pregnancy

Boxer Dog

Post-delivery care for Boxer pregnancy plays a pivotal role in ensuring the health and well-being of both the mother and her precious puppies. Here’s what to anticipate during the post-delivery care stages:

Week 41: Immediate Care After Birth

Upon the arrival of the newborn puppies, immediate post-birth care is of utmost importance. This encompasses two essential aspects:

  • Cleaning: The mother and puppies require a clean and hygienic environment. Properly cleaning the area around them ensures their health and comfort.
  • Feeding: Adequate nutrition is vital for both the mother and her nursing puppies. The mother needs to be well-fed to recover her strength, and the puppies need their mother’s milk for nourishment.

Additionally, it is crucial to keep a watchful eye on the mother for any signs of complications. Be attentive to indicators like fever or signs of infection, as these could be early signs of potential issues.

Week 42: Postpartum Health Check-Ups

Week 42 marks the beginning of postpartum care which is primarily focused on the mother’s well-being. Postpartum health check-ups are essential to monitor the mother’s recovery. These check-ups ensure that she is healing well and that there are no complications after giving birth.

In addition to caring for the mother, it’s time to consider the growing needs of the puppies. As they continue to grow, their food requirements will increase. Gradually adjusting their diet is necessary to support their healthy development.

Ensuring meticulous attention through acclimating to new duties establishes health for closing the pregnancy’s chapter. Post-birth stewardship greatly impacts the future of the mother and offspring.


In wrapping up this week-by-week guide to Boxer dog pregnancy, it’s crucial to emphasize the significance of attentive care and support during this remarkable journey. From the initial signs of pregnancy to the moment those adorable Boxer puppies arrive, each week brings new developments and challenges.

1Providing a nurturing environment, proper nutrition, and regular veterinary check-ups ensures the health and happiness of both the mother and her soon-to-arrive pups. Remember, a Boxer mom’s journey to motherhood is a unique and beautiful experience, one that deserves our admiration and care every step of the way.

Waqar Muhammad

Waqar Muhammad is a passionate pet lover and blogger with years of experience in the world of pets. As the author of this blog, he aims to share his knowledge and insights to help fellow pet owners provide the best care for their furry friends.

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